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Android problems

Here's how you solve some common GPS problems

Dogtracks stops recording or you only get straight lines

Usually, battery saving settings on Android phones are the cause of most GPS troubles. These settings can force quit the GPS at any time, which means that the Dogtracks app cannot continue to record your activity. Try these tips when recording with an Android phone:

  1. Check that you’re running the latest updates of both the Dogtracks app and your Android device.
  2. Be sure to add Dogtracks as a “protected app” in your phone’s settings and disable or ignore any energy optimizations or battery saving modes.
  3. Location permissions and battery settings. Set location access for Dogtracks to “Allow all the time” and remove any battery restrictions.
    Watch instruction movie

Bad GPS accuracy

The GPS in a mobile phone will under good conditions give you an accuracy of 5-10m. This means that even if you walk on exactly the same path twice the tracks can be up to 20m apart. This is normal and nothing we can do anything about. To solve this you will have to add an external GPS. If your phone under good conditions doesn’t give you an accuracy of 5-10m there are some things you can do to improve this. Restart your phone and test Dogtracks between each step:

  1. If you have a cover on your phone, remove it.
  2. Open your phone’s settings and search for “Google Location Accuracy”. Turn off “Improve Location Accuracy”.
  3. Turn on Flight mode.

iPhone problems

I have confirmed my email address but still can’t log in

If you have just purchased a subscription and created an account, but are still unable to log in even though you have confirmed your email address using the link in the email you received, please try closing the DogTracks app following these instructions and then restart DogTracks and try logging in again.
Link to Apple's support page with instructions
If you still can't log in after this, please contact our support team.

Can't send track

Dogtracks use the mail client that comes with iOS. This means that at least one working email account must be setup in your phone’s settings.
Link to Apple support page for instructions

The tracks are not recorded correctly

If there are straight lines or the recording stops, check that DogTracks has permission to use the Location Services in the background. DogTracks needs permission to Always use the Location Services.
Link to Apple support page for instructions

DogTracks can't find my location

If DogTracks cannot find your location on the map, check that DogTracks has permission to use Location Services in the background. DogTracks needs permission to Always use the Location Services.
Link to Apple support page for instructions

Bad GPS accuracy

The GPS in a mobile phone will under good conditions give you an accuracy of 5-10m. This means that even if you walk on exactly the same path twice the tracks can be up to 20m apart. This is normal and nothing we can do anything about. To solve this you will have to add an external GPS. If your phone under good conditions doesn’t give you an accuracy of 5-10m there are some things you can do to improve this. Restart your phone and test Dogtracks between each step:

  1. If you have a cover on your phone, remove it.
  2. Turn off WiFi.

My account

I can't log in

  1. Make sure you have entered the correct username and password.
  2. If this a new account - check if you have received a confirmation email and that you have verified your email address.
  3. If you have just updated from the old version of DogTracks, you don't have an account. This option was not available in the old version. To log in, you first need to purchase a subscription and create an account. DogTracks can be used without a subscription and account, but you won't have access to several additional features. You can find more information about the subscription in the General questions section a bit further down on the page.

I have forgot my password

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one by clicking on "Forgot password" in the login box. An email, with instructions on how to create a new password, will then be sent to the email address you provided when you created your account.

I have not received a confirmation email

  1. Check your spam folder.
  2. Make sure you have entered the correct email address.
  3. Contact our support.

I haven't received the reset password email

  1. Check your spam folder.
  2. Make sure you have entered the correct email address.
  3. Contact our support.

I can't synchronise my tracks

  1. Make sure you are logged in. If you are logged in - Log out and then log in again.
  2. In the app menu, tap Force resynchronisation
  3. Make sure you have an active subscription. If you are unsure how to check this, please visit the Apple or Google support page for help.
    Link to Apple support page
    Link to Google support page
  4. Contact our support.

Do I have an active subscription?

If you are unsure how to check this, please visit the Apple support page for help. Link to Apple support page

If you are unsure how to check this, please visit the Google support page for help. Link to Google support page

Why can't I have different DogTracks account on one phone?

Your account is connected to your Apple Id or Google Play Id and you can only have one id on each phone.

How do I unsubscribe?

Apple Support pages provide information on how to unsubscribe. Keep in mind that after terminating your subscription, you will no longer be able to sync your tracks. You will also not be able to see your friends and their tracks. You will still be able to send and receive laid tracks. Link to Apple support page

Google Support pages provide information on how to unsubscribe. Keep in mind that after terminating your subscription, you will no longer be able to sync your tracks. You will also not be able to see your friends and their tracks. You will still be able to send and receive laid tracks. Link to Google support page

How do I delete my account?

In the app settings, there is a link to press in order to delete your account.

You can also contact our support team for help. Contact our support.

General questions

Do I need to purchase a subscription to use DogTracks?

You do NOT need to purchase a subscription to use the basic features required for tracking. You can lay/track routes and send/receive tracks without a subscription. If you do not want a subscription, use DogTracks in log-out mode (i.e., you should not log in).

Why should I purchase a subscription?

With a subscription, you gain access to several features that you would otherwise miss out on. The following features are available with a subscription:

  1. Save your tracks on the web. This makes it very easy the day you need to change your phone; all your tracks will automatically transfer to your new phone (even if you switch from Android to iOS or vice versa).
  2. Easily share your track results with others.
  3. View your friends' track results.
  4. Like and comment on your friends' tracks.
  5. Use our website on a computer to view your tracks on a large screen.
  6. With the help of a computer and our website, you can print your track results.
  7. Clone a track so you can use it again.
  8. Trim the track if you forgot to stop the recording.
  9. Voice alerts when laying and tracking the trail.

Can I sync tracks between iOS and Android

Yes, if you log in with the same account on both devices, the tracks will be synced between them. This requires that you have purchased DogTracks with a subscription for both devices.

Can I move tracks from an Android phone to an iPhone or vice versa?

Yes, with our subscription service, all tracks are saved on the web and when you log in to your account, the tracks will be downloaded to your phone. This requires that you have purchased DogTracks with a subscription for both devices.
NOTE! Laid tracks are NOT saved on the web and therefore you have to send laid tracks via email to the other phone.

Will I loose my tracks if I reinstall the app?

No, with our subscription service, all tracks are saved on the web and when you log in to your account, the tracks will be downloaded to your phone.
NOTE! Laid tracks are NOT saved on the web and therefore you must send laid tracks via email to yourself BEFORE you reinstall. After you have reinstalled you can import the tracks from your email.

Do I still need to buy DogTracks for iOS and Android separately?

Yes, Apple and Google do not cooperate when it comes to buying apps. This means that you have to buy the app for the system you want to use. If you switch from iOS to Android, or vice versa, then you need to buy DogTracks and a subscription again. You will still be able to use the same DogTracks account, so your tracks will be saved to your new device.